Wednesday, July 28, 2010


What is the genre of teen films? What typically occurs in a teen film? Where are teen films usually set? List 5 teen films you have watched?

Teen films is a genre that interests teenagers and that teenagers can relate to. Typically in a teen film, there is a girl and a guy, and a love. Teen films are usually set and teen hangouts, like beaches, malls, and highschool.
1. Clueless
2. 10 Things I Hate About You
3. Legally Blonde 1 & 2
4. Twilight saga
5. Harry Potter films

Describe the following characters: Cher, Dionne, Tai, Josh, Murray, Elton, Travis, Mal (Cher’s Dad), Mr Hall and Miss Geist.
Cher - She is a popular girl in the school. She's rich, and very girly.
Dionne - Dionne is Cher's best friend.
Tai - Tai is a new girl that is unpopular and very unique. She's a really nice girl at the beginning.
Josh - Josh is Cher's step brother. He falls in love with Cher, and works with his step dad because he wants to become a lawyer.
Murray - Murray is Dionne's boyfriend. He is a typical jock.
Elton - He is the pretty boy, and tried to get with Cher. He didn't like it when she rejected him.
Travis - Travis is a skater guy who Tai likes.
Mal - Mal is Cher's dad.
Mr Hall - Mr Hall is Cher's teacher. Cher hooked Mr Hall and Miss Geist up together.
Miss Geist - She is also a teacher, and is with Mr Hall.

Describe how the following characters: Cher, Dionne, Tai and Josh develop over the text.
Cher - Cher loses her status as the 'popular' girl. She becomes a lot nicer.
Dionne - Dionne starts off in the movie nice, then became really bitchy. She ditched Cher for Tai.
Tai - Tai becomes more popular as the movie goes on, and falls for Josh.
josh - At the start of the movie, he pushes his opinion on people. At the end he becomes more laid back.

Describe the costumes worn by the following characters Cher, Dionne, Tai, Josh and Murray.
Cher - Short skirts, girly girl clothing,
Dionne - Strange hats and strange patterned clothing.
Tai - Baggy clothes, tiny skirts.
Josh - Normal casual, t-shirt and jeans.
Murray - Trackies, basketball shirts, sports clothes.

What is the plot of Clueless?
Cher is a highschool girl in the city, and she is quite popular with everyone, until an unpopular exchange student comes along. Cher looks after her and gives her a make over, and then Tai becomes more popular and takes over Cher's status in the school. Cher realises that there's more to life than clothes and popularity.

Where is the film set? Include all sub settings.
At school - cafeteria, front of the school, classrooms.
Chers House

List and briefly describe the issues and themes raised during the film? How are they similar/different to other teen films you have watched?
Popularity status with teenagers. That popularity means power. This is a common theme in teenage films.
Love. Love is also a popular theme in teenage films.

Does this film appeal to you? Why or why not?
If I had've watched it it would've interested me. It sounds appealing.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Why have you picked Media as an elective?
Because I am interested in Media and film editing.

What would you like to achieve by the end of this Semester?
Learn new editing skills.

What is Media?
Media is what we use to entertain, inform & communicate.

List all the types of media do you consume?
iPod, iTunes, internet, television, magazines, newspapers, mobile phone, movies, music, radio.